Be a Future-Ready Engineer: IIT Mandi's BTech in General Engineering 

IIT Mandi's BTech in General Engineering equips you with diverse skills and industry-ready knowledge to dominate the evolving job market. 

Tired of rigid engineering programs? 

This program ditches traditional specializations. In the first two years, you delve into core courses across Mechanical, Civil, Data Science, and Computer Science, building a strong foundation. 

Break the Mold: Explore Diverse Fields 

Choose a specialization like Energy Engineering, Manufacturing, or AI. Partner universities and industries offer exchange programs and internships for global exposure. 

Deepen Your Expertise & Go Global 

The curriculum constantly adapts to match industry needs. Guest lectures, workshops, and internships ensure you graduate with in-demand skills and real-world experience

Industry-Aligned: Graduate Job-Ready 

IIT Mandi boasts cutting-edge schools and research centers, offering unparalleled learning opportunities. Join a vibrant community and pursue your engineering dreams! 

IIT Mandi: Your Gateway to Success