Top 10 Highest Paid Engineering Jobs In India

Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Machine Learning (ML) Engineer


AI and ML engineer job posts are growing 60% annually. These engineers pioneer algorithms, machine learning models, and intelligent systems that revolutionise healthcare, banking, autonomous cars, and more.

Petroleum Engineer


The petroleum sector in India has ambitious plans to spend a massive 118 billion dollars in exploration and production by the year 2024 (Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, 2020), which highlights the need for skilled experts in this area. 

Software Engineer


Software engineers create and build vital software applications for numerous industries, making them the backbone of the IT industry. 

Aerospace Engineer


Aerospace engineers push human and technological limitations in aviation, space exploration, and defence. Demand for aerospace engineers has never been higher as the International Air Transport Association predicts India to become the world’s third-largest aviation market by 2024.  

Chemical Engineer


Chemical engineers build sustainable production processes, ensure product quality, and solve environmental issues. Their contributions help the chemical sector innovate and compete while ensuring environmental sustainability and safety. 

Electronics And Communication Engineer


According to the India Electronics and Semiconductor Association, the Indian electronics sector will reach $350 billion by 2025, increasing the need for highly trained workers.  

Nuclear Engineer


Nuclear engineers are crucial to nuclear energy production and use. India’s nuclear energy industry is predicted to triple in capacity by 2024, according to the World Nuclear Association. This 

Big Data Engineer


Big data engineers provide strong data structures, pipelines, and sophisticated analytics to get insights from enormous datasets. 

Civil Engineer


Civil engineers are critical to India’s infrastructure development, planning and directing construction projects for buildings, roads, bridges, and other structures. NITI Aayog’s plan to spend $1.4 trillion in infrastructure by 2025 shows civil engineers’ vital role in India’s growth.  

Civil Engineer


Biotechnology engineers combine biology, chemistry, and engineering to provide creative solutions for healthcare, agriculture, and environmental conservation. The Association of Biotechnology-Led Enterprises expects the Indian biotechnology sector to reach $150 billion by 2025.