2021 CBSE 12th result: Great 99.37 is overall pass percentage

2021 CBSE 12th result is released and overall pass percentage recorded this year is 99.37.
It is a matter of great delight that 2021 CBSE 12th result has witnessed a pass percentage which is almost 10 percent higher than what was seen last year.

2021 CBSE 12th result
How to check
There are various methods to check 2021 CBSE 12th result.
Students who registered for 12th class exams of Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) can visit the official website of CBSE at ‘https://www.cbse.gov.in/’
Soon after the webpage downloads on clicking the above link, one can see the button ‘Results’

Students should click ‘Results’ which will lead to download of another webpage with url ‘https://cbseresults.nic.in/’
The moment the webpage opens on clicking the above url, applicants will see three links with the title ‘Senior School Certificate Examination (Class XII) Results 2021’
Candidates can click any one of the links and when a new webpage appears, they have to enter their roll number and school number and submit them to see their 2021 CBSE 12th result.

Post visibility of results, they can take a print out.
Point to remember
Students can also directly click the url ‘https://cbseresults.nic.in/’ and when the webpage downloads, they can click anyone of the three links to see the 2021 CBSE 12th result.
Students willing to see 2021 CBSE 12th result can visit the Digilocker website ‘https://results.digitallocker.gov.in/’
When the webpage downloads, students can press the appropriate button and enter their roll number, enter the class the student has studied and their school number and submit them to view the results.

Digilocker is available on mobile app in Google PlayStore and Apple AppStore. These can be downloaded on a computer or a mobile phone and utilised to view 2021 CBSE 12th result.
Students can obtain 2021 CBSE 12th result through SMS.
Students have to type <CBSE12> and provide a space and type their <roll number> and provide space and type <hallticket number> and send it to 7738299899.

CBSE is clicked, the link for downloading the 12th class result can be clicked and the required details can be entered and submitted to obtain the result.
Roll number finder
CBSE also launched ‘Roll Number Finder’ to help students check their roll numbers.
Students can visit the official website ‘https://www.cbse.gov.in/’ and then when the webpage downloads, individuals can choose the link ‘Roll Number Finder’
After clicking the Roll Number Finder, they can choose any one of the Server link (Server 1 or Server 2).
Post choosing the Server Link, when new page appears, they can select the class they are studying (Class 10 or Class 12) and click the link to go ahead and enter their name, school code, father’s name and mother’s name and submit them.
Kendriya Vidyalayas and CTSA schools made a mark for themselves 2021 CBSE 12th result was announced.
These schools recorded a 100 percent pass percentage.
Kendriya Vidyalaya registered a pass percentage of 98.6, on the other hand CTSA schools registered a pass percentage of 98.2 during the previous year.
Private schools too did not stay behind when it came to putting up a good show this year.
2021 CBSE 12th result release has taken place and sources say the pass percentage recorded by private schools this year is 99.22 which is more than what was achieved the previous year.
Pass percentage achieved last year by private schools was said to be 88.92. This goes on to say that the private educational institutions had put up a fine performance.
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Overall, 99.37 percent of class 12 students had passed the exam. What else is happy news when it comes to 2021 CBSE class 12th result?
This year the number of students who got a score above 95 percent also have gone up.
Sources point out that, this year, about 5.37 percent of students have scored above 95 percent, which is a praiseworthy issue.
The number of students with a score above 95 percent was 1.47 in 2019, in 2020 it increased and stood at 3.24 percent.

They can prepare for exams like JEE Mains, NEET UG or entrance exams conducted by many reputed private colleges to gain admission into undergraduate courses.
Students who are not satisfied with the result obtained now can appear for exams separately.
CBSE would conduct exams between 16 August to 15 September and those who want can appear for that.
However, students must remember that the marks obtained in the written exam would be treated as final.
The performance of girls seems to have been better this time than boys.
2021 CBSE 12th result has shown that girl students have achieved a pass percentage of 99.67 percent.
Boys recorded a pass percentage of 99.13 percent this year.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said ‘Congratulations to my young friends who have successfully passed their Class 12 CBSE examinations. Best wishes for a bright future, happy and healthy future.’
Union Education Minister also congratulated the students. ‘Congratulate my young friends who have cleared the CBSE class XII exams. Happy to learn that @cbseindia29 has achieved a record-high pass percentage.Compliment teachers & parents for their hard work. My best wishes to all the students for their bright future.’
Mixed reactions
The release of 2021 CBSE 12th result has managed to evoke a mixed reaction among the students across the nation.
Good number of students were satisfied with the marks allotted as per the alternative assessment process, however, many others were not satisfied.
Those who were happy with the results said they would move to the next phase of education.

Many of them were aiming for a seat in government colleges, now the marks they obtained many not give enough scope for a seat in a government educational institution.
S Vishnu Sharmaa now works with collegechalo.com in the news team. His work involves writing articles related to the education sector in India with a keen focus on higher education issues. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has more than 10 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing about defence and railway related issues.