A smartphone app called “Namaste BHU” has been made available by Banaras Hindu University to its “over 40,000 strong community.” Vice-chancellor Sudhir Kumar Jain introduced the BHU app with the goal of “improving digital connectivity with the university and making information and services more approachable and user-friendly.”
The BHU app will allow users to register their phone number with the institution to create an account. As one of the few universities to take such an initiative, Banaras Hindu University makes it easier for people to access and communicate within the institution.
Banaras Hindu University (BHU), one of India’s most prestigious educational institutions, has taken a significant step toward enhancing digital connectivity and accessibility within its campus by launching the “Namaste BHU” app. Introduced by Vice-Chancellor Sudhir Kumar Jain, the app is designed to cater to BHU’s vast community of over 40,000 students, faculty, and staff.
The app aims to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience by offering easy access to essential information about departments, faculty, academic programs, and university services. With millions of e-resources, books, and periodicals available at their fingertips, students and faculty can now enjoy a hassle-free campus life. Additionally, the app allows users to file complaints related to exams, fees, and other issues, ensuring prompt resolutions. The Namaste BHU app, available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, is a testament to the university’s commitment to leveraging digital solutions to improve campus life.
The app will include information about departments, faculty, available programs of study, and a university directory that includes the names, titles, emails, and phone numbers of important administrators, instructors, and staff members to give students and faculty members a seamless and hassle-free campus experience.
The app will also include millions of e-resources, books, and periodicals. Additionally, students now have the opportunity to file complaints using the mobile application about concerns like exams, fees, admission, and other issues and seek resolution.
Additionally, wardens can use the app to file complaints about accommodations. “The local government’s and the university’s emergency contact numbers are posted on Namaste BHU,” the statement continued.
The Namaste BHU app can be downloaded by instructors and students via the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
“The newly launched mobile app by Banaras Hindu University, is designed to streamline access to essential university information, including academic details, library, holidays, and emergency contacts,” stated Sanjay Kumar, coordinator of the Institution of Eminence – BHU, at the app launch ceremony.
This IoE effort improves digital services and connections for both teachers and students. He said that the software is continuously being updated by a committed staff.
The Namaste BHU app team, led by consultant TV Prabhakaran, has said that the team will be adding multiple new features “very soon.” “We are working on creating additional services, such as student counselling and displaying all significant alerts to users,” Prabhakaran stated.
The launch of the “Namaste BHU” app marks a significant milestone in Banaras Hindu University’s journey towards digital transformation. By offering a comprehensive platform that caters to the needs of its large community, the university is setting a new standard for campus connectivity and user experience. With the promise of continuous updates and new features, the app is poised to become an indispensable tool for students, faculty, and staff, ensuring that they can access the information and services they need with ease. As BHU continues to innovate and expand its digital offerings, the “Namaste BHU” app will play a crucial role in enhancing the overall campus experience.
Vani Jha is a creative content writer with over 2 years of experience in producing engaging, informative, and well-researched content across various domains. Her expertise lies in SEO, research, editing, and content and copywriting. With a proven track record in enhancing online presence and audience engagement, Vani excels in crafting compelling articles, blogs, and other written materials.
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