CBSE Board Exam Results 2023: When to expect them?

CBSE Board Exam Results 2023 will become the focus point soon.
The question is when are the results of the board exams going to be declared?

Board exams are the exams for classes 10 and 12 which are conducted every year.
This year, CBSE class 10 exams were conducted from 15 February to 21 March 2023.
Class 12 exams for 2023 took place from 15 February to 5 April 2023. A lot of students appeared for the exams that were conducted for a period of more than 20 days.

There is no news as far as CBSE Board Exam Results 2023 is concerned. However, speculations about the results have already begun doing rounds.
Sources feel the CBSE Board Exam Results 2023 could be released by the last phase of April 2023 or the first week of May 2023.
However, one has to remember that the above points are just guesswork. The exact information would be made known on the official website of CBSE at the appropriate time.

It is also interesting to note that about 38 lakh students have registered for the board exams of CBSE this year.
How to check CBSE Board Exam Results 2023?
There are many ways to check the CBSE Board Exam Results 2023.
The first way is online where students can visit the official website of CBSE to know CBSE Board Exam Results 2023.
Second way is through Digilocker, students can either log in to the mobile app of Digilocker or its official website on the internet and enter the required information to obtain CBSE Board Exam Results 2023.

Mobile phones can also be used to know the results, students can send an SMS of their roll number to obtain CBSE Board Exam Results 2023.

Process in detail
Students have to visit the official websites of CBSE to obtain the result.
Official websites can be accessed with URLs ‘’ and ‘’
Anyone of the above URLs can be typed into the browser to access the official website.
Once the website is available, the link for knowing CBSE Board Exam Results 2023 has to be clicked.
Soon after clicking, students can enter their roll number, date of birth, and security code (captcha) and submit them to view the results.
Students can visit the official website of Digilocker at ‘’
Soon after the website is downloaded, students can click the link for CBSE Board Exam Results 2023.
After clicking, they can enter their roll number, date of birth, mobile number and other required details and submit them.
Once submitted, mark sheets would be visible on the screen.
Students can open their SMS app on their mobile phone and type their roll number and send it to 7738299899.
CBSE Board Exam Results 2023 would be visible on the mobile screen.

Points to remember
Once CBSE Board Exam Results 2023 are visible, students must check for errors in the data present in them like their name, and roll number.
In case of no errors, the mark sheet can be downloaded and a printout of it can be taken.
If there are any errors, they have to be taken to the notice of the authorities concerned for corrections.
There is a lot of process that takes place after CBSE Board Exam Results 2023.
Students who have passed the exams can look for further education, admission into class 11 or admission into graduation.
Students willing to join employment can also plan accordingly, applying for couple of jobs requires a pass in 10th class.
Similarly, students who passed 12th class can also apply for certain jobs.
Students must also remember that websites hosting CBSE Board Exam Results 2023 may experience heavy rush in the initial phase.
Websites may turn inaccessible owing to heavy rush, in case of inaccessibility, students can wait for sometime and then attempt again to view CBSE Board Exam Results 2023.
S Vishnu Sharmaa now works with in the news team. His work involves writing articles related to the education sector in India with a keen focus on higher education issues. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has more than 10 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing about defence and railway related issues.