Expert Analysis Of UGC NET 2023 Paper 1

Expert Analysis Of UGC NET 2023 Paper 1
Expert Analysis Of UGC NET 2023 Paper 1 is an attempt to provide students with a compressed analysis of UGC NET 2023 Paper 1 in all the shifts. Before beginning their study for the exam, applicants need to make sure they have read and fully comprehended the vital material that is the UGC NET Exam Analysis.

You will get a crystal-clear picture of the actual test, as well as a speedy assessment of how well you have prepared for it, from the exam analysis. Candidates will get the opportunity to gain insights into the important parts of the curriculum as well as the important attempts.
The UGC NET 2023 test Analysis for Phase 1 of the February 2023 cycle has been provided below by our experts. This analysis was created by taking into account the test format, the questions from the previous year, and the comments obtained from applicants.
UGC NET 2023 Exam Analysis
Candidates who took the UGC NET exam on the 21st of February 2023 and participated in Phase 1 of the December 2022 testing cycle have been given the following information on the UGC NET Analysis 2023 for the various topics. The examination summary will be posted on this page after each shift, immediately following the conclusion of the examination.

It is one of the opportunities that is being looked forward to the most by job seekers who are interested in working as associate professors and JRF at a variety of colleges and institutions located all throughout India. As a direct consequence of this, applicants had to have extensive knowledge of everything pertinent to the examination.
The UGC NET 2023 Exam analysis is the finest source of information that candidates may use. It is also important for participants to look at the UGC NET test analysis from past years to gain insight into the structure of the real exam as well as the level of difficulty of the questions and the themes. However, the recent UGC NET 2023 is of utmost importance for the exam perspective in June 2023.

Also, read 8 Tips to Excel in the New-Age Job Market

Que. 1
How can a teacher enhance effective learning in her elementary classroom?

1.) By drill and practice
2.) By encouraging competition
3.) By connecting the context to the lives of the students
4.) By offering rewards at every step of learning
Correct Option – 3
Que. 2
A Bibliography of bibliographies is a __________ source of data.
1.) Primary
2.) Secondary
3.) Tertiary
4.) None of the above
Correct Option – 3
Que. 3
Rambabu ranks eighteenth in a class of 45 students. His rank from the last is
1.) 27
2.) 28
3.) 29
4.) 30
Correct Option – 2
Que. 4
The distinction between laukika and alaukika is made with reference to which one of the following pramanas?
1.) Anumana(Inference)
2.) Upamana(Comparison)
3.) Pratyaksa (Perception)
4.) Sabda (Verbal Testimony)
Correct Option – 3
Que. 5
Which one of the following acronyms matches incorrectly with their full form?
1.) HTTP – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
2.) FTP – File Transfer Protocol
3.) SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
4.) ISP – Internet Service Protocol
Correct Option – 4
Que. 6
During British rule in India who among the following observed that: “The Indian Universities turn out only a discontented horde of office seekers, whom we educated for places which are not in existence for them to fill”.
1.) Curzon
2.) Annie Besant
3.) Dalhousie
4.) Macauley
Correct Option – 1
Que. 7
Which of the following types of institutions come under the ambit of the National Board of Accreditation (NBA)?
1.) Teacher education institutions
2.) Technical institutions
3.) Agriculture institutions
4.) Medical institutions
Correct Option – 2
Que. 8
Propounder of Insight theory of Learning is :
1.) Kohler
2.) Thorndike
3.) Skinner
4.) Pavlov
Correct Option – 1
Que. 9
Which of the following factors make the compliance of research ethics difficult?
1.) Societal norms
2.) Respect for confidentiality
3.) Lack of Checks
4.) Taking the help of software
Correct Option – 3
Que. 10
ICERT stands for
1.) Indian Computer Emergency Response Team
2.) Indian Council of Education and Research Team
3.) Indian Computer Emergency Review Team
4.) Indian Cyber Emergency Response Team
Correct Option – 1
Que. 11
Which of the following is not a Millennium Development Goal (MDG)?
1.) Improvement in maternal health
2.) Achieve universal access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene
3.) Ensure environmental sustainability
4.) Achieve universal primary education
Correct Option – 2
Que. 12
Gurukul system of education in India flourished during
1.) Vedic and Upanishadic period.
2.) Mauryan period.
3.) Kushana period.
4.) Gupta period.
Correct Option – 1
Que. 13
SWAYAM tries to take the best teaching-learning resources to all students through
1.) Seminars
2.) Video lectures
3.) Classroom teaching
4.) Conferences
Correct Option – 2
Que. 14
Which of the following is a graphical tool for organising and representing knowledge?
1.) Concept maps
2.) Lesson plan
3.) Summary
4.) Diagram
Correct Option – 1
Que. 15
Which of the following is a learner-centred method?
1.) Inquiry approach
2.) Lecture method
3.) Demonstration method
4.) Team teaching
Correct Option – 1
Que. 16
The snowball sampling method can be employed in
1.) Historical research
2.) Ethnographic research
3.) Content analysis
4.) Narrative analysis
Correct Option – 2
Que. 17
Another term used for interpersonal communication is
1.) Group Communication
2.) Face-to-face Public Communication
3.) Dyadic Communication
4.) Traditional Communication
Correct Option – 3
Que. 18
In which of the five steps of inference (anuma̅na) in the Nya̅ya syllogism all three terms stand synthesized?
1.) Upanaya
2.) Nigamana
3.) Uda̅harana
4.) Hetu
Correct Option – 1
Que. 19
Which of the memory is faster than the other memory?
1.) Primary storage
2.) Cache Memory
3.) Secondary storage
4.) Random Access Memory
Correct Option – 2
Que. 20
Which of the following is the binary equivalent of 25?
1.) 11010
2.) 11001
3.) 10111
4.) 10101
Correct Option – 2
Useful information about the UGC NET 2023 Result Announcement
The UGC NET 2023 result for the June session will be made available on the official website after it has been released by the conducting authorities. Candidates who took part in the examination will be able to view their results for the UGC NET 2023 once they have visited the official website and logged in with the appropriate credentials, which are their application number and password. The qualifying marks, as well as the roll numbers and ranks of individuals who qualified for the exam, are included in the outcome of the UGC NET 2023.
In addition to this, a scorecard will be distributed to each of the applicants who made the cut for Paper I and Paper II. Candidates whose names appear on the scorecard will be given a UGC NET eligibility certificate. This certificate will be good for the following two years and may be used to apply for the position of assistant professor/lecturer or junior research fellowship in the subject area that was indicated.
In this article Expert Analysis Of UGC NET 2023 Paper 1, we attempted to provide students with an analysis of the UGC NET 2023 paper that was both clear and understandable, and it was presented in a condensed format. The analysis will assist the students in developing a strategy for the June UGC NET 2023 exam. We sincerely hope that this information is useful, and I wish all of the applicants the best of luck.
Meet Tanu Bhatnagar, an educational expert with extensive experience in teaching, research and mentoring.With a decade in education and research, Tanu combines academic expertise with engaging storytelling. Her research background ensures every article is well-researched and insightful. Beyond textbooks, Tanu's expertise spans writing, exam preparation, economic trends, and global education, delving into the realms of spiritual awakening. This diverse perspective shines through in his writing, offering a fresh take on education. Join Tanu and CollegeChalo for an enriching learning adventure, where his passion ignites yours, and his words light your way.