JEE Advanced AAT 2023 registration from 18 June 2023

JEE Advanced AAT 2023 registration will start on 18 June 2023. It is noted 18 June is the same day when the results for JEE Advanced 2023 will also be released.
AAT 2023 will be conducted on 21 June 2023 from 9 AM to 12 PM. Students who have passed JEE Advanced 2023 and are keen on studying BTech in IITs go ahead with the counselling process.

Those willing to study BArch in IITs focus on AAT. Candidates who have completed JEE Advanced AAT 2023 registration can likely download hall tickets from 20 June 2023 onwards. The results for AAT 2023 will be released by 5 PM on 24 June 2023.
Students who pass AAT 2023 will be able to study BArch in IIT Roorkee, IIT Kharagpur and IIT (BHU) Varnasi.
Who can take up JEE Advanced AAT 2023 registration?
Students who have passed JEE Advanced 2023 with required qualifying marks can take up JEE Advanced AAT 2023 registration. Applying for JEE Advanced requires a pass in JEE Mains.

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Candidates who have passed plus two with maths, physics and chemistry as subjects will be able to take up JEE Mains registration. The process to take up JEE Advanced AAT 2023 registration is online.
How to take up JEE Advanced AAT 2023 registration?
The process to undertake JEE Advanced AAT 2023 registration is online. The official website for that has to be visited at ‘’ The URL has to be typed into the browser and the webpage has to be allowed to download.

Once the website is available, students should click the link for JEE Advanced AAT 2023 registration and enter JEE Advanced 2023 registration number, their date of birth, mobile number and email address.
Post providing the above details, applicants will be asked if they are interested in AAT. Students have to answer ‘Yes’ to take up JEE Advanced 2023 registration.
Candidates have to provide the required information and choose the centres where they wish to write the exam and submit the form. They will receive message indicating successful completion of JEE Advanced AAT 2023 registration.
The message has to be downloaded and a printout of it has to be taken and preserved for use in future. This could be of use during the admission process.

Exam pattern
Candidates who have completed JEE Advanced AAT 2023 registration must also know the exam pattern if they are to score good marks. AAT 2023 will be held in offline mode, as a pen and paper mode test. Candidates will have three hours time to answer all the questions.
The medium of the test is English. The sections in the question paper are – Imagination and aesthetic sensitivity, three dimensional perception, Geometrical drawing, Freehand drawing and Architectural Awareness.

Freehand Drawing
This would comprise of simple drawing depicting the total object in its right form and proportion, surface texture, relative location and details of its component parts in appropriate scale. Common domestic or day-to-day life usable objects like furniture, equipment, etc., from memory.
Three dimension perception
Understanding and appreciation of three-dimensional forms with building elements, colour, volume and orientation. Visualization through structuring objects in memory.
Architectural Awareness
General interest and awareness of famous architectural creations – both national and international, places and personalities (architects, designers, etc.) in the related domain.
Imagination and Aesthetic Sensitivity
Composition exercise with given elements. Context mapping. Creativity check through innovative uncommon test with familiar objects. Sense of colour grouping or application.

Point to remember
Candidates can visit the official website of JEE Advanced exam for more information on JEE Advanced AAT 2023 registration and other related topics.
The students have to quickly take up the registration for AAT 2023 exam as the time left is very short.
Like JEE Advanced exam where the registration is open for a longer duration, the same for AAT exam is open for only a short time period.
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