Brush Stroke

Types of BSc Courses: Chart Your Path to Healthcare Success

This undergraduate degree builds a strong foundation in nursing theory and practice, covering anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and various healthcare settings. 

BSc Nursing 

Expands on BSc Nursing, offering specialization in areas like pediatrics, mental health, or community health. Ideal for focused career goals. 

BSc (Hons) Nursing 

Provides advanced education for registered nurses with diplomas like GNM, enhancing their knowledge and skills for career advancement. 

Post Basic BSc Nursing (for experienced nurses) 

This diploma program prepares you to become a registered nurse, with skills in patient care, medication administration, and basic obstetrics & gynecology for supervised work in hospitals and clinics. 

GNM Nursing (3.5 years) 

This diploma program prepares you to become a registered nurse, with skills in patient care, medication administration, and basic obstetrics & gynecology for supervised work in hospitals and clinics. 

GNM Nursing (3.5 years) 

This program equips you for primary healthcare at the community level. You'll learn basic maternal and child healthcare, assisting with deliveries, vaccinations, and community health education. 

ANM Nursing (2 years)